#57: Here’s How This Farmer is Making One Million Dollars This Year

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My client came to me to feel better and to figure out how to get her farm more profitable.

We’ve been working together since January.

She is now on track to make a million dollars on her farm this year.

That’s SEVERAL times what she was making before this year.

You’d think my work with her is done.

But nope. Guess what happens at each new level you attain?

MORE struggles come up. And her struggle?

Now she’s feeling guilty for making so much money!

If you feel guilty then the actions you take will sabotage your money-making, and sales/profit will drop. Period. I see it all the time with farmers.

But you can’t just STOP FEELING GUILTY.

Tune in to today’s episode to learn how to process and allow for negative emotion so it finally goes away!

When you learn to do this, you’ll be unstoppable!

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Links Mentioned in the Episode

Work with Charlotte ONE-on-ONE privately here:  https://3cowmarketing.com/strategy

Get the complete transcript by clicking HERE.

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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