#006: How to Find Customers That Value Your Products

In this episode of the Profitable Mindset, we talk about how to find customers that value your products.

Like most farmers, you probably live in a rural area where it’s hard to find people that value high-quality food.

Customers don’t appreciate what you sell and don’t see the value in paying top-dollar for their meats, eggs, dairy, or produce.

Am I right?

How to Find Customers That Value Your Products

Where Are All The People That Value Farm Fresh Products?

Have you ever said, “I hate selling and I hate marketing. I don’t feel appreciated. I can’t find people who value my products or are willing to pay what they’re worth.”

And you’re probably thinking “if I lived in a place where more people understood all the hard work that went into creating or developing such a high-quality product then I’d make more sales.”

Let me tell you, you’re not alone.

Today, I’m here to show you how to find the right customers that are willing to pay your high prices for a quality product.

And my answer might surprise you — tune in to listen!


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So head on over to https://www.3cowmarketing.com/itunes and I’ll talk to you soon!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Free Sales Training — “4 Mistakes Costing You Sales on the Farm”

Listener Spotlight:

“We’ve been producing and direct marketing pasture raised provisions since 2012, so we can say with confidence that Charlotte’s information is gold. She is a very effective communicator and has the talent to take seemingly complex marketing and business hurdles and breaking them down into appropriate actionable steps. We found ourselves nodding along as we listened to all the five episodes, agreeing with her advice based on our own experiences. We also found ourselves taking notes as we learned about new resources and techniques that we hadn’t previously tried. We look forward to learning more from Charlotte through her podcast and other platforms. She provides you with everything but the hustle!” — Nick Bailey

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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