#97: This Single Mindset Shift Will Calm Down Your Farm Life Tremendously

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Last week a farmer came to our weekly coaching call in 5X Your Farm Sales super frustrated at all the messes around her farm.

This bugs her all the time.

Spools of wire left on the ground after fence-fixing, hay not raked up correctly after feeding, half-finished projects – all of this constant clutter was making her feel angry and frustrated.

Living in this constant state of frustration makes her snappy with people around her.

Feeling angry about it makes her unhappy throughout her days.

She can’t problem solve to get messes cleaned up when she’s making herself frustrated.

And she’s not alone – this comes up frequently in our coaching group.

THAT’S where we’ve gotta start in getting you to more success.

We’ve got to start with cleaning up your mind in how you’re thinking about all that’s going on around your farm.

I want you to really hear that – you can’t get the messes cleaned up and organized when you’re keeping yourself frustrated over them.

Sure, you can yell louder one day and everyone gets into gear (uh oh, she means business today) and they’ll pick up.

But the messes start piling back up shortly.

Because these constant states of overwhelm, anxiety, anger, frustration are keeping you from enjoying your day.

AND this constant negative emotion stops you from making money.

Hear that – you can’t make money, you can’t build a profitable farm, when you’re feeling angry, resentful, anxious, overwhelmed – or any of the other bad feelings.

And that’s something we solve for daily coaching in 5X Your Farm Sales AND here on the podcast.

Tune in to Episode 97 where I show you how to finally free yourself from feeling terrible by shifting just one thing in your life.

It’s simple. Notice – I’m not saying it’s easy – but it IS simple.

Then, with practice in the coaching group, it gets easy.

My clients in my coaching program are finally learning how to feel good throughout their days no matter what extraordinary circumstances are going on – no matter who left what mess lying around.

They’re learning to solve for their bad feelings AND subsequently figure out how to get the place cleaned up AND THEN they can make money.

Click HERE to listen to Episode 97 and learn how to feel free, in control, just by shifting your mindset AND THEN… success follows.

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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