
#220: Julia’s Farm Journey: From Resentful to Fulfilled, Well-Paid, Full-Time Mom

Time Management For Farmers: Six-Week Boot Camp – Learn More Here

Julia Bell knows first hand how grueling it is to show up to farmers markets week after week…
…when you’re not making money.

She wanted to give up and quit several times in their 9 year farm journey.

She felt resentful of working for years, not paying herself a dime.

She just wanted to be a wife and mom to her three young boys.

We worked hard together the last few years and she’s finally reached her dream.

In Julia’s words: “There’s no shortcut to the top.”

“And there’s no quick fix to anything worth having long term.”

So many farmers think the solution to making money is to just work harder on the farm. 

But please hear me – that’ll never get you there.

You can’t work hard enough to overcome not knowing the skills of money making, time management and mindset. What I call the “three pillars of a profitable farm.”

Julia put in the hard work – coaching with me for years – to learn and implement money-making, time management and a profitable mindset.

“We’ve used your program to build a sustainable and profitable farm.”

“We pay people to do the hard labor so I can do the things only I can do – be a wife and mother.”

“And I’m well-paid for the marketing work I do for our farm.”

“Now I have a feeling of peace, I’m present with my kids, in my home, where I want to be, and money’s coming in.”

“This is how good it can be when we do the scary things you teach of raising our prices, hiring the help, training the help, and managing our own mindset around it all.”

It used to be impossible for them to get away on vacation. But today, Julia and Blake and their boys take multiple camping trips each summer as a family and several other vacations throughout the year.

Julia’s finally living the life she only dreamed of and for years did NOT think was possible.

Hear Julia’s farm journey to get their farm profitable over the last few years.

And please know – this is for you, too.

Julia says, “Farm on your own without coaching and be miserable and overworked and feel like a lost fish.”

“OR, you can use this program to have all the resources you need to build a profitable farm and a fulfilling life.”

For Julia, that fulfilling wife means she’s:

A mother. A wife. A farmer. Making money. With peace and fulfillment.

Please listen to her powerful story of hope on the Profitable Mindset podcast today.

And know – if you’re looking for something to get you profitable NOW or in a month or two… it’ll never work.

Farms become profitable when the owners take time to grow and learn the marketing and mindset skills to do it.

If you’re interested in building the peaceful and fulfilling life Julia has, let’s meet up on Zoom HERE and see if we’re a good fit.


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