#236: Eliminate this Hidden Trap That’s Costing You Money on Your Farm

Free Master Class this Spring: 5 Crucial Mistakes Farmers Make That’s Costing Thousands

What if I told you the most successful farmers I work with are doing the OPPOSITE of what seems logical? 🤔

In fact, they’re turning DOWN opportunities left and right… and making more money than ever.

Sounds crazy, right? 

I mean, isn’t the right opportunity actually a gold-mine??

I coached a farmer this week who wanted to add flowers to her vegetable delivery because a fellow farmer offered this great collab opportunity.

Another farmer wanted coaching on adding another market that’s sure to bring lots more business.

And yet another farmer wanted to go after a grant for a new processing facility.

Turning these down sounds crazy, right?

I mean, isn’t the right opportunity actually a gold mine??

Here’s the reality: Today’s business landscape is overwhelming you with choices:

🛍️ Endless new products
📱 Constant social media strategies
🤝 Collaboration opportunities
🖥️ “Guaranteed” to work new websites and ad programs

⚠️ But hidden among these infinite possibilities is a dangerous trap 💸

It’s silently draining your profits – and you might not even realize it.

And chasing the “next big opportunity” isn’t the solution. It’s actually the problem.

Yes. Opportunities are costing you so much money. How to know if it’s right for you?

I just released a podcast episode that reveals:

  • The surprising “gateway drug” to staying broke and struggling 
  • What profitable farmers are saying NO to and doing instead
  • The not-so-obvious marker that predicts farm success
  • A simple exercise my most profitable clients use to stay focused

Warning: This might challenge everything you think you know about building a profitable farm. 

But if you’re tired of working harder but not making enough money, you need to hear this.

Ready to learn what the most profitable farmers do differently?

Farmers like Valerie who 10x’d her farm stand sales in a few months, Vanessa who 4x’d her sales this past year, and Elaine who sells out in an hour instead of what used to be all year of advertising.

They’re all on the podcast. They did what I addressed in today’s episode, and it’s paid off big time.

With tough love and truth,


P.S. The solution is simpler than you might think – but it’s probably not what you’re doing right now. Listen to the episode to find out why. 🎧

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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