# 53: How to be An Expert in Writing Profitable Marketing Emails

What is it that you need in your farm business right now? If you’re looking for more sales, more engagement, and more connection with your customers, listen to episode 53 of The Profitable Mindset podcast, where I’m teaching you how to be an expert in writing profitable marketing emails. The best part is that I’m […]

#52: How to Get More Sales with Email Marketing

If you want a profitable farm, email marketing is essential. I’ve been teaching marketing for 8 years and doing my own marketing for 11 years, and here’s what I know for sure:   No matter what other options or trends may come or go, email marketing remains a consistently successful means of building your profitable farm. […]

#34: How to Continue Marketing When You’re Sold Out

Farm Marketing Course Self-Study:  https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/farm-marketing-self Book a free strategy session here: 3cowmarketing.com/strategy My son is a U.S. Marine. I remember when my son went to the Marine Corps Bootcamp. It was tough. I watched video after video of what he was going through each week in training. Many times with tears in my eyes! I […]

#31: How to Effectively Avoid the Spam Folder

 Farm Marketing From the Heart self-study 👉 https://www.3cowmarketing.com/marketingcourse FREE Email Course 👉 https://www.3cowmarketing.com/free-email-course/ I hear this a lot… “All my emails are going to spam.” “Are my emails getting blocked for some reason?” “People don’t check or open email anymore . . . please help!” Hey, I get your frustration, I do, but there […]

#28: How to Retain New Customers After the Pandemic is Over

  FREE Group Coaching Here: 3cowmarketing.com/coaching Free private strategy session: https://calendly.com/csmith3cow/strategy-session Listen to Episode #26 here: https://www.3cowmarketing.com/episode26/ I’ve heard a lot of farmers recently say things like, “I hope all these customers that are buying from us right now remember us when this pandemic is over.” Part of me is so happy to hear that […]

#014: Why Selling on Social Media No Longer Works

Is your social media “reach” down? Is no one buying on Facebook like they used to? Do you really need to be blogging? Is it necessary to have a website in this day and age? The social landscape of Facebook and Instagram have drastically changed in the past several years and “things aren’t what they […]

Farm Marketing from the Heart Interview with Chelsie Boles

Meet Chelsie, she has three young girls. She sells meat chickens, eggs and maple syrup. She didn’t have a marketing plan or strategy before she took Farm Marketing from the Heart. Chelsie enjoyed talking to people but her word-of-mouth marketing style had many dead ends that never panned out. She said it best, “Marketing… what […]

Farm Marketing from the Heart Interview with Cate Crawford

Meet Cate Crawford, a pastured pork and poultry farmer from New York. I’m so excited to share Cate’s success from Farm Marketing from the Heart because, in the beginning, Cate didn’t feel confident marketing. A common feeling, right? Here’s the thing: A lot of farmers aren’t confident marketing but you can’t let that stop you. […]

#013: How I Market My Farm in One Hour a Day

The #1 complaint I hear from farmers about marketing is “I’m too busy and can’t add one more thing to my plate. I just don’t have time for marketing.” Trust me, no one has time to fit in “one more thing” but I’m here to tell you marketing your farm is a must if you […]

If This Mom Can Learn Marketing, You Can Too!

I’d like you to meet Jennifer & Sarah. They’re students inside, Farm Marketing From the Heart, which is currently open for enrollment until Friday, March 22nd. MEET SARAH Sarah started the course in 2016 — 1 day after she got home from the hospital after having her 3rd baby! She was so unsure if she’d […]