How to Create a Strong Call-To-Action in Your Marketing

Each week I receive many marketing emails, blog posts, and see social media posts from farmers and they are super informative – I hear all about their newest products available or opportunities for a class.

And unfortunately, that’s where it often ends – they forget (or are afraid) to tell their readers & followers to take action!

When you send a nice, friendly email and you forget to clearly and boldly say, “click here to purchase” or “click here to reserve your ________” or “please forward this post to your friend” then you’re missing out on lost connections + you’re leaving all kinds of money on the table!

What is a Call To Action?

A “Call to Action” (CTA) is an important part of your marketing – whether it’s at the bottom of an email or a blog post, or in a social media post, it’s important to tell people how you want them to take action.  Every single time.

When I teach this in my course, farmers often respond that they feel pushy or bossy telling people what to do.

And I’m here to tell you, you’re providing people a service when you give them a CTA – they are grateful you told them how they can get their hands on that great product you just raved about, or sign up for a class that will be transforming for them.


Because you want and need customers to buy from you!

If you don’t ask for their action, they will never take one. This is called a lurker or someone that looks, but never comments or takes action.

Tell people what to do and if you have the relationship with them that I always preach, they will be more likely to do what you’re asking.

And these are not just sales CTA’s – you can also offer a CTA to forward and share your info so you can build your customer base.

Try These High Converting CTA’s

  • Buy now!
  • Sign up!
  • Purchase here
  • Click here to reserve

And here are some CTA’s for the end of those emails or blog posts where you aren’t selling but instead, you are relationship building:

  • Forward to your friends
  • Sign up!
  • Get a free sample!
  • Download my FREE recipe!
  • Share this recipe on Facebook
  • Hit “reply” and tell me _______
  • Comment and tell me your favorite ________

These command statement will drive customers to BUY your products, show up to your farm, or engage with you (which then builds trust and leads to sales.)

Now I’d love for you to take action — tell me in the comments below:

  • Which CTA are you going to try first?
  • Is there one you love more than the others?

Below is a video I recorded inside the Profitable Farm FB group on this very subject – give it a watch for more success when it comes to CTA’s.

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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