Properly Clean Your Raw Milk Machine

Many raw milk producers I consult with find it difficult to get profitable – they just can’t seem to charge enough to cover costs + a profit margin.

And 98% are out of business within a few years.

I’ve got help.

I’ve got a pricing series over on my podcast with my spreadsheets I use on my farm to calculate the price, plus the strategy to increase your prices without losing customers.

Tune in to part 1 of 3 parts here & be sure to get the spreadsheets:

#009 How to Price Your Farm Products for Profit (Part 1)

In the video below, I’m demonstrating the process I’ve developed over the years, with the help of raw dairy consultants, to clean and sanitize our equipment to ensure safe raw milk production.

I list the proper chemicals, amounts, and processes.  And, if you’re just getting started and don’t have access to dairy chemicals, I list what you can substitute from your local grocery store.  As always, your monthly test results are your “check” that your process is working.


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Join our private FB group The Profitable Mindset to connect with other raw milk producers just like you.

Remember, if you produce raw milk you do GREAT work!! Providing raw milk to your family and community is a tough job and you are creating healthy, happy families by doing so.

Warm Hugs,

PS:  Proper amounts for store-bought chemicals when you don’t have access to proper dairy chemicals:
1)  1 T dish soap in 4 gallons luke-warm water
2)  4 cups white vinegar in 3-4 gallons hot water
3)  1 cup chlorine bleach in 3-4 gallons luke-warm water (hot water will inactivate it.)

Proper Dairy Chemical Amounts:
1)  CIP, 1 ounce in 3 gallons lukewarm water
2)  Pink Foaming Dairy Acid, 1 ounce in 3 gallons HOT water
3) 1 cap-full (yes, cap-full, not cup-full) food grade bleach in luke-warm water

Last step – sanitation – is done right before milking.

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