#168: Why Farm Branding is Important + How to Achieve It

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It stops up many a farmer!

Usually, they fall into one of two camps:

Either they think they don’t need a brand, and they ignore it.

Or if they do, they think branding consists of a logo, website, tagline, mission statement – or maybe all your followers on social media.

I’m as guilty as any farmer in these two categories – I fell into the first camp years ago, thinking my three cow dairy was too small to need a brand.

 But I’m here to tell you, you DO need a brand — and a professionally designed logo, website, or mission statement is NOT branding! 

Those things are only one piece of the pie, and given the enormous start-up costs of a farm, they are usually best to come after you’ve established your brand.

So if you haven’t spent much time working on branding yet…

Or if you have your logo and website in place and think you’re branded…

And especially if you have a website, logo, or goals established and you’re NOT making tons of money from them…

Then today’s post is for you!

 Listen  and learn why farm branding is important and how to achieve it.

You got this.

Bottom line – you DO need to brand your farm so you can be in business for the long run! It’s too much work and too expensive to not learn the skills to create profit.

Thank you for being here, for reading, and sharing!


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“Through coaching and mindset work, I finally achieved my “delusional dream” of creating a profitable business that allowed us to become completely debt free AND allowed my husband to leave his job of 20+ years and come work full time on the farm with me.

When I had this dream 5 years ago, my farm was in the red and we had tens of thousands of dollars of debt. Logically, I could see no way of ever meeting this goal. I felt foolish and silly for even dreaming this could be possible, so I started getting coaching on my limiting beliefs.

Coaching taught me how to borrow belief from my future successful self, even when I could see no evidence of success in my present moment.

By looking to my future self, honoring her, serving her, setting her up for success… I was able to gradually transform into her.

Today, I am living my “delusional dream” and I often have to remind myself this is actually my “real life” now.

I get to work alongside my husband doing work that energizes and inspires me.

I get to be present for my kids and be engaged in their lives.

I get to choose how and when we make money.

I get to work hard when I want to and rest fully when I want to.

I get to live the life of my dreams.

Mindset work is the hardest work you will ever do in your life, but it is THE KEY to creating a farm business that serves YOU and your family… instead of a beast that eats you alive.”

~ 5x Your Farm Sales Member

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I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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