#171: Three Simple and Do-able Steps to Get Your Website Making You Money -Free Training

Click HERE to Sign Up for my Free Training: Create a Farm Website that Sells

A few years ago, a rancher who owns two different 10,000-acre cattle ranches wanted my help because his website wasn’t making him money.

When I looked at his website, it looked like a Hollywood-produced movie! It was spectacular.

My guess is it cost around $100,000 for that site.

And he still wasn’t making money.

That’s because it’s not the fancy design or the website platform that makes your farm profitable.

Your site will work on (most) any platform and doesn’t need to be anything fancy, as long as you include the three crucial and simple things I’m teaching in Thursday’s free website training.

==>>Click HERE to Sign Up, Replay Available Same Day<==

You’ll learn what you must include to have an effective, money-making website.

It’s happening at 10 AM PT; the best part is that you can implement these skills immediately.

There’ll be a replay available for one week.

I’ll teach for about 45 minutes, and then I’m bringing two farmers on camera with their websites to get in-real-time feedback.

If your website is not bringing you consistent, paying, and repeat customers, you’ll want to sign up and attend next week’s free training.

Click HERE to sign up and get YOUR site driving more sales

(Yes, there’ll be a replay sent out afterward.)


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