#103: How This Fiber Farmer Sold Out In ONE Email AND 77% More Revenue

Click HERE To Attend a FREE training: “3 Steps To Your Profitable Farm in 2022” Today on the podcast you’ll meet my client, Elaine, who raises alpacas & flowers in Washington State. She told me “I left a really cushy, well-paying job because I wanted to be running this farm – then this became ungodly […]

#102: How this California Farmer Doubled Her Sales to 200K in 2021

Click HERE To Attend a FREE training: “3 Steps To Your Profitable Farm in 2022” Today on the podcast you’ll hear from my client, Sherri Wood, a San Francisco ‘city-girl-turned-farmer’ when she purchased a Lavender Farm in Northern California. One year ago she joined the 5X Your Farm Sales program and set out to successfully […]

#85: 3 Steps to Overcome Your Biggest Obstacle to Building a Profitable Farm

Get on the waitlist for 5X Your Farm Sales: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales The first step in me teaching you how to make money on your farm is showing you that the reasons YOU THINK you’re not profitable… aren’t the real reasons. Your website, the location you live, your products not being “right”, not being able to raise […]

#83: 3 Steps to Feeling More Supported On the Farm By Those Around You

Schedule a Free Strategy Session to Decide on Investing in Coaching: https://calendly.com/csmith3cow/strategy-session?month=2021-07 Most farmers start their farms super excited to share their products and their vision with their community. You excitedly share your dreams and visions with your partner and family. Everyone’s cheering you on! Until at some point, they question you. Or they doubt […]

#80: How Slowing Down Makes You More Profit On Your Farm

Deciding on Coaching? Book a free strategy session to see if the program is right for you: https://calendly.com/csmith3cow/strategy-session?month=2021-07 Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish I didn’t have to work so much”? What would you do with your time? Take a vacation? Spend time with your kids? Find a hobby?! (Or invest more time […]

#79: The Number One Mistake I see Most Farmers Making

Many of us think the diversified farm is the pinnacle of farming. Tons of research shows us how good it is for the land. But you gotta earn the right to have a diversified farm. What do I mean by that? You earn the right by proving you can be successful & profitable with ONE […]

#76: 5 Steps to Managing Farm Interruptions & Catastrophes With Ease

Are you still “all in” on the farm business that you signed up for? Like really, REALLY in? Every day I hear from at least one farmer who’s ready to give up because things got too overwhelming. Or too stressful. Or, they just feel frustrated like nothing’s going right. Does any of this sound like […]

# 69: Why Growth and Ease Cannot Co-Exist in Your Farm Business

Ready to uplevel your life and business? Decide if coaching is right for you – book a free strategy session HERE. There is a misconception that building your farm should only feel challenging sometimes, but not all of the time, that at some point it should become easy. So many of my clients have this […]

#45: How to Attract and Hire High-Quality Employees.

Sign Up for Farm Marketing Week – Free Marketing Coaching – HERE I’m so excited to share this week’s episode of The Profitable Mindset podcast with you. It’s one of the most powerful episodes I could ever offer, as we’re talking all about attracting and hiring high-quality employees. Even if you don’t think you’re ready […]