#114: The Biggest & Most Costly Mistakes Farmers Make in their Marketing

Sign up for FREE coaching during Farm Marketing Week HERE. ​Now is the time for you to step up and be powerful in this world and make your farm profitable so you can be in it for the long run. There are so many lives to be changed with your products and events. What steals your […]

#109: Do This if You’re Afraid Customers Will Leave After a Price Increase

Sign up for FREE coaching during Farm Marketing Week HERE. In my conversation with Scott Shepherd this week we go very deep into the subjects of marketing and mindset and how you can’t have a successful, profitable farm with ease without mastery of your mindset. You’ll walk away from this episode with a lot of […]

#108: How to Create a 5 Day Sales Launch For More Money/Less Work

Click HERE to sign up for Farm Marketing Week – free coaching. So far in 2022, I’ve had several farmers in my 5X Your Farm Sales Coaching Program make more money in one week than they made previously in months of marketing.All because they’re learning how to create focused sales launches.I taught a masterclass inside […]

#107: How to Overcome Writer’s Block and Feel Inspired in Your Marketing

Click HERE to Get on the Waitlist for 5X Your Farm Sales This week a farmer asked for coaching because she has writer’s block and often feels stuck when she sits down to write. Yet she knows her farm’s success depends on her being able to write emails to sell, descriptions on her website that […]

#105: How I Built A Loyal Customer Base Who Paid Our Higher Prices

Click HERE to Get on the Wait List for 5X Your Farm Sales When I started my farm in 2009, it was so much more than my livelihood. I started the farm because I watched my family heal from chronic illnesses after eating the products I raise. I then got to witness my property go […]

#104: How This Farmer Increased Sales by 40% in 2021 and will 4X in 2022

Click Here to Get on the waitlist for 5X Your Farm Sales. There is a process to marketing so you can build a profitable farm. Everyone can learn it. But very few (if any?) are teaching it. Until now. ​The 5X Your Farm Sales Coaching Program for farmers has mastered the process of teaching you Advanced […]

#96: If Your Husband Makes You Angry or Frustrated, This Process Will Help

Get on the waitlist for 5X Your Farm Sales:https://champoegcreamery.lpages.co/5x-waitlist-nov-2021/ Last week, three farmers in a row came to me for help with the same problem. One farmer was vaccinating sheep with her husband, she didn’t shut the gate fast enough and a ewe got through. Her husband yelled and was making her extremely anxious. Another’s […]