5X Your Farm Sales Is Here!

Click Here to Learn to 5 X Your Farm Sales: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales 5x Your Farm Sales, a Marketing and Mindset Course for Farmers. Inside, you’ll get: Lifetime access to three of my best courses designed to help stop the overwhelm, structure your farm for profit, and increase your sales Access to a Facebook group where you’ll […]

# 74: The Number 1 Strategy to Create the Perfect Customer Base

Go to 3cowmarketing.com/coaching to 5X Your Farm Sales! https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales Does your farm marketing appeal to the masses? It’s tempting to think that anyone with money in their pocket and an interest in our products is a potential customer. But guess what? Thinking that way is not going to make your farm successful. Tune in to […]

# 73: If Love Doesn’t Pay the Bills… Then What Does?

Ready to uplevel your life and business? Decide if coaching is right for you – book a free strategy session HERE. Why did you get into the farm business?  Most of us will say that we get into the business because we love it so much. We want to help people. We want to restore […]

#72: The First Step in Attracting GREAT Customers

Ready to uplevel your life and business? Decide if coaching is right for you – book a free strategy session HERE. Most people come to me with a version of this question once they start their farm;  “How do I find more customers and how do I keep them coming back so we can continue […]

# 71: How to Stop Thinking Your Products/Pricing/Marketing is Never Good Enough

Ready to uplevel your life and business? Decide if coaching is right for you – book a free strategy session HERE. Do you ever think you’re the only one thinking that your products or pricing or farm isn’t good enough? Almost 100% of my coaching clients present with this thought at some point, but they […]

# 69: Why Growth and Ease Cannot Co-Exist in Your Farm Business

Ready to uplevel your life and business? Decide if coaching is right for you – book a free strategy session HERE. There is a misconception that building your farm should only feel challenging sometimes, but not all of the time, that at some point it should become easy. So many of my clients have this […]

#68: My Secret to Getting More Customers

Ready to uplevel your life and business? Decide if coaching is right for you – book a free strategy session HERE. I hear from farmers regularly that you are struggling with sales, wondering what you could be doing to sell more of your products. What you’re doing isn’t working, you’re scrambling around doing all sorts […]

# 67: 6 Steps to Raise Your Prices Without Losing Customers

Ready to uplevel your life and business? Decide if coaching is right for you – book a free strategy session HERE. Most farmers I know are not charging enough to generate a healthy profit and be sustainable, which causes so many problems in our businesses. And, one of the main reasons farmers give me for […]

# 66: The First Essential Step Towards Having a Profitable Farm

If you’re reading this, I know you’re ready to have a profitable (or more profitable) farm. I would guess that you spend a fair amount of time researching and learning how to better market your business in order to reach and serve more customers. But if you’re really ready to increase your profits, there might […]

#63: 3 Promising Ways to Overcome Perfectionism (part 2)

I have a fantastic way to break free from perfectionistic thoughts, or those pesky thoughts that what you’re doing is not quite good enough. Tune in to episode 63 and learn the 3 steps you can take to free yourself from perfectionism. Even if you don’t identify as a perfectionist, you might be surprised to […]