How to Create a Facebook Ad that Sells
Facebook ads can be confusing, difficult to manage and a complete waste a lot of time and money if you don’t know what you’re doing. They can also be scary and extremely intimidating. … but if done correctly, they can be a total game changer for your farm business. Perhaps you’ve tried them in the […]
What You Need to Know About Product Mark-Up vs Margins
In my ceaseless quest to help more farms thrive and become profitable AND stay in business, this week I had the privilege of interviewing Kevin Fort of Regenerative Business Institute, a tax accounting, and business strategist firm where several of his clients are farmers. Kevin lives in Gilbert, Arizona, with his wife and kids and in […]
How to Stay in Business as the Popularity of Farm Fresh Food Declines
As if running a farm and dealing with weather challenges, predator problems, or crop issues isn’t enough, now we have to stay ahead of all the marketing trends that challenge our sales, too! In the last ten years, we’ve seen farming as a profession and farm fresh food become hip, cool, and trendy. And while […]
How to Write A Profitable Marketing Email
When you first decided to start your farm, I bet you were so excited to bring in the first crop of veggies, bring home your first animal, or welcome your first customers. You planned everything to the last detail, overjoyed that you were living your dream of feeding your family off the land. But […]
The 5 Types of Customers and How to Reach Them
Have you ever felt like you’re doing everything you can to let people know about your products, but still not enough people are buying from you? Or perhaps you have lots of buyers but your prices aren’t where they need to be, you’re not making a profit yet, and you’re afraid to raise your prices? This is a […]
Blog Post: How to Write a Profitable Email
Imagine being stuck with 60 old hens that aren’t laying eggs anymore — they’re just taking up space and eating expensive feed. You have to buy new chicks, but it’s going to be a big bill and you’d like to have a little cushion before they mature and egg productions gets back up to normal. […]
Your Top 10 Herd Share Questions Answered Here
Holy smokes, did I have the most exciting weekend ever! Joel Salatin and attorney Elizabeth Rich stayed in our home for a couple of nights, we co-taught a workshop, we shared some incredible meals and fantastic conversations right here on the farm! I tried not to be too much of a fangirl. I let […]
How Nick Burton Made 6 Figures His First Year in Farming
Don’t let this guy’s laid-back Texas drawl fool you. Nick Burton, the owner of Victory Garden Farms and Victory Lunch Club in Paris, Texas, is one sharp businessman who agreed to share as many of his success strategies he employs on his small protected culture farm (greenhouses, indoor grow room, high tunnel) as he could […]
This Farmer’s Method For “Paying It Forward” to Grow Her Business
Have you ever met someone and immediately thought of someone else in your circle you’d love to introduce her to? That’s how I felt when I met Melissa Miller of Ladybell Farms in Maine who’s also the Education Director at the National Farmer’s Union. Which is why I asked her if I could interview her […]
How Writing A Kindle Book (it’s easy!) Will Make Your Farm More Profitable
I wrote a book!! It’s still hard to believe, but it’s true! It’ll be published on Kindle on June 13th. If you’ve ever thought about writing a book, I’m here to tell you it’s totally figure-out-able and is an amazing marketing tool for your farm. Join My Book Launch Team If you’re interested in watching […]