#105: How I Built A Loyal Customer Base Who Paid Our Higher Prices
Click HERE to Get on the Wait List for 5X Your Farm Sales When I started my farm in 2009, it was so much more than my livelihood. I started the farm because I watched my family heal from chronic illnesses after eating the products I raise. I then got to witness my property go […]
#104: How This Farmer Increased Sales by 40% in 2021 and will 4X in 2022
Click Here to Get on the waitlist for 5X Your Farm Sales. There is a process to marketing so you can build a profitable farm. Everyone can learn it. But very few (if any?) are teaching it. Until now. The 5X Your Farm Sales Coaching Program for farmers has mastered the process of teaching you Advanced […]
#98: This Strategy Will Help You Overcome Doubt About Your Farm Finances
Click HERE to get on the waitlist for 5X Your Farm Sales. In 10 months of coaching inside 5X Your Farm Sales, Maggie has had HUGE success. She knew from our coaching that her sales and marketing were being scattered and diluted with all the different products they sold – chickens, pork, vegetables and more. […]
#97: This Single Mindset Shift Will Calm Down Your Farm Life Tremendously
Click HERE to get on the waitlist for 5X Your Farm Sales: Last week a farmer came to our weekly coaching call in 5X Your Farm Sales super frustrated at all the messes around her farm. This bugs her all the time. Spools of wire left on the ground after fence-fixing, hay not raked up […]
#96: If Your Husband Makes You Angry or Frustrated, This Process Will Help
Get on the waitlist for 5X Your Farm Sales:https://champoegcreamery.lpages.co/5x-waitlist-nov-2021/ Last week, three farmers in a row came to me for help with the same problem. One farmer was vaccinating sheep with her husband, she didn’t shut the gate fast enough and a ewe got through. Her husband yelled and was making her extremely anxious. Another’s […]
#95: How This Flower Farmer Made 5 Times Her Sales. Working Fewer Hours. With Ease.
Learn to 5X Your Farm Sales in LESS Time Here: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales There is a process to managing your time so you can build a profitable farm. Everyone can learn it. But very few (if any?) are teaching it. Until now. The 5X Your Farm Sales Coaching Program for farmers has mastered the process of teaching you […]
#94: 7 Ways You’re Wasting Huge Amounts of Time on Your Farm
Sign Up For My Free Training: 4 Simple Steps to Create More Time: https://3cowmarketing.mykajabi.com/more-time Are you running your farm or is your farm running you? I ask because farmers regularly tell me they’re being pulled in all different directions by everything, everyone AND their dog (literally – sometimes their dog ). What if I told […]
#93: How to Follow Your Plan on the Farm And Stop Getting Distracted
Be sure you’re on the waitlist to 5X Your Farm Sales:https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales Does this sound familiar? You have a list of to-do’s to run your farm and you know exactly what needs to be done. You wake up ready to seize the day, but then you don’t know where to start. You feel: Overwhelmed and stuck […]
#92: The 10 Essentials to Build Your Profitable Farm
Get on the Wait List for 5X Your Farm Sales: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales Most farmers’ plans do NOT involve: Failing 80% of the time Struggling for many years trying to get to profit Working ’til exhaustion many days Hustling to make a buck to try to pay the bills on time Yet this is what farmers are emailing me […]
#91: You Won’t Build a Profitable Farm Until You Get Rid of Anxiety and Overwhelm
Get on the waitlist for 5X Your Farm Sales opening up soon: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales Recently I had a client come to me feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the disorganization and chaos in her office. I hear this struggle from a lot of you and I coach on it often! As farmers, we get pulled between the […]