

The Profitable
Mindset Podcast

A podcast helping farmers get the mindset they need to build a profitable farm business. 

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

“Absolutely invaluable information for any farmer that wants to make their business more profitable, presented in easy-to-follow steps to success.”


#001: 25 Steps You Need to Start Your Farm Business (Part 1)

Want to know how to start a farm business? Whether you’re just starting your farm or if you’ve been at this for a while, I get questions all the time with what farmers should do first, second, third to start and set up their farm business. After you listen in to this episode and the few that will follow, you’ll

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How 2 Flower & Veggie Farmers “Market from the Heart”

Say hello to Lori Jo and Mary Margaret… They’re students inside, Farm Marketing From the Heart, which is open for enrollment until Friday, March 22nd, midnight. Lori Jo is a flower farmer from Michigan. She’s an avid learner and has taken quite a few courses at this point. When she took FMFH she was brand new to flower farming and

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If This Mom Can Learn Marketing, You Can Too!

I’d like you to meet Jennifer & Sarah. They’re students inside, Farm Marketing From the Heart, which is currently open for enrollment until Friday, March 22nd. MEET SARAH Sarah started the course in 2016 — 1 day after she got home from the hospital after having her 3rd baby! She was so unsure if she’d have time to take the

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3 Mistakes That Will Cost You Farm Store Sales

Does this happen to you on the farm? You find random “customers” in your house looking for milk, meat or products you sell. You find people going beyond fenced areas on your property. Customers think your farm store is open 24/7. Theft. You find cars and trucks on open pastures that don’t belong there. Customers haggle you on price like

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3 Ways to Sell That Will Keep You Profitable

For most farmers selling is a struggle. This skill doesn’t come naturally to most of us. We have to work at getting comfortable, with the uncomfortable. And let me be totally honest with you. If you don’t learn how to sell, you’ll be out of business before you start. Fortunately, selling is a skill you can learn. It’s like putting

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How to Make More Money with Your Storefront, Market Booth or Drop-site

You have an advantage as a farmer. I know it may not always feel this way, but it’s true. Customers are looking to do business with people, not faceless corporations. Customers crave connection and personal experiences that will enhance their life. And that’s exactly what you do. You’d be surprised at the number of people that want to learn how to

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6 Tips That Will Help You Find the Time for Farm Marketing

One of the most common problems I hear farmers say is, “I don’t have time for marketing.” I get Facebook messages, emails, comments and direct messages all the time that say the same thing. “Charlotte you want us to market and I love your stuff, but I don’t have the time to do all this marketing.” I hear ya, and

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How to Find Customers That Will Value Your Products

“I hate selling because I don’t feel understood. I value and use what I sell, but I can’t find customers that will value my products.” If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. I get this question a lot: “How do I find people that will value my products?” And as much as I’d love to tell you “there’s a

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How to Maintain Relationships When Something Goes Wrong

This happens about once a year… I get calls, emails and texts from customers saying, “My milk taste awful this week. I can’t drink it. Can I get a refund? What happened?” All normal on a raw milk dairy — whether it’s the accidental jaunt through the onion patch or the excessive grass in spring, I can count on off-tasting

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How to Create a Strong Call-To-Action in Your Marketing

Each week I receive many marketing emails, blog posts, and see social media posts from farmers and they are super informative – I hear all about their newest products available or opportunities for a class. And unfortunately, that’s where it often ends – they forget (or are afraid) to tell their readers & followers to take action! When you send

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

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