

The Profitable
Mindset Podcast

A podcast helping farmers get the mindset they need to build a profitable farm business. 

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#137: How to Use Social Media To Build A Loyal Customer Base

Sign Up to Be Notified of “Farmers Coaching Farmers” Coach Training Program I was in Jackson, Mississippi last week teaching marketing, and I got more questions about “the beast” that is social media marketing than anything else. >>Click the Link Above to Hear How to Use Social to Get More Customers<< Using social media to build your business can be

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#126: The Four Biggest Time Wasters in Your Day You Can Eliminate

Sign Up for Farm Marketing Week – Free Marketing Coaching – HERE Imagine how luxurious it would feel to have 2-3 extra hours every day of your life. It’s not just an impossible dream… stay with me here, and you’ll start to see possibility for this. ==> Click the link above to Learn the 4 Biggest Time Wasters <== You

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