

The Profitable
Mindset Podcast

A podcast helping farmers get the mindset they need to build a profitable farm business. 

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

“Absolutely invaluable information for any farmer that wants to make their business more profitable, presented in easy-to-follow steps to success.”


#92: The 10 Essentials to Build Your Profitable Farm

Get on the Wait List for 5X Your Farm Sales: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales Most farmers’ plans do NOT involve: Failing 80% of the time Struggling for many years trying to get to profit Working ’til exhaustion many days Hustling to make a buck to try to pay the bills on time Yet this is what farmers are emailing me for help with daily.And when

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#90: How Maggie Got Her Farm to Profit AND Calm In 5 Months

5X Your Farm Sales is OPEN for Registration: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales In today’s episode, you Four months ago Maggie joined 5X Your Farm Sales. She and her husband produce and sell milk, chicken and pork. AND vegetables. She was so overwhelmed and run ragged by customers stopping in at all times of day, she couldn’t think straight. Just one conversation with me

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#89: How This Farmer Moved From Complete Overwhelm to Profit and Balance

5X Your Farm Sales is OPEN for Registration: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales In today’s episode, you’re going to hear about my client, Chris, a farmer in Colorado. She’s inside my 5X Your Farm Sales program right now and we’ve been working together for about a year. A LOT can happen in a year! Chris shares her shift from overwhelmed, stressed-out, hopeless farmer and

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#88: The 6 Tools You Need to Build Your Profitable Farm

You’ve worked hard to care for your land and give your animals a good life, but if you’re still trying to figure out how to sell more farm products and turn your farm into a profitable business, here’s what you might be missing:Ready for it? Growing a successful farm is an inside job.And I don’t mean in the house, in

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#87: My 4 Step Process To Raise Your Prices With Ease

Click Link Below to 5X Your Farm Sales: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales These are the two most common problems farmers start coaching with me to solve: You’re not making enough money. You’re struggling with overwhelm – not having enough time or money or resources so things aren’t getting done. Some tell me they’re hemorrhaging money! Yet you can’t afford to hire help to

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#86: The Most Important Reason Why Your Farm Products Aren’t Selling

Click Link Below to 5X Your Farm Sales: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales My client created this amazing pricing course for new flower farmers that would save them 2-3 years of losing money. There’s nothing like it in the industry – she’s sitting on a gold mine of knowledge and help for flower farmers! Yet, she’s not selling it. She’s not putting it out

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#85: 3 Steps to Overcome Your Biggest Obstacle to Building a Profitable Farm

Get on the waitlist for 5X Your Farm Sales: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales The first step in me teaching you how to make money on your farm is showing you that the reasons YOU THINK you’re not profitable… aren’t the real reasons. Your website, the location you live, your products not being “right”, not being able to raise your prices – are NOT

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#84: Three Simple Tweaks On Your Farm’s Website to Attract More Customers

Get on the waitlist to 5X Your Farm Sales: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/5x-farm-sales Farmers often reach out to me for help, disappointed their website is not making them more sales. Doesn’t matter what platform they have – they ALL can work. The platform is NOT the problem. There is no “perfect website platform” that when you find it then you’ll FINALLY make money.

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#83: 3 Steps to Feeling More Supported On the Farm By Those Around You

Schedule a Free Strategy Session to Decide on Investing in Coaching: https://calendly.com/csmith3cow/strategy-session?month=2021-07 Most farmers start their farms super excited to share their products and their vision with their community. You excitedly share your dreams and visions with your partner and family. Everyone’s cheering you on! Until at some point, they question you. Or they doubt your vision. Listen to this

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

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