

The Profitable
Mindset Podcast

A podcast helping farmers get the mindset they need to build a profitable farm business. 

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

“Absolutely invaluable information for any farmer that wants to make their business more profitable, presented in easy-to-follow steps to success.”


#198: The #1 Thing to Focus On This Year to Get Your Farm Profitable

Click HERE to Reinvent Your Farm Marketing: Free Training The biggest challenge that drives farmers out of business most often… …is that you’re NOT focusing your most valuable resources on the right thing. And big surprise – your most valuable resource is NOT money. Why not? Because you don’t have a lot of that on a farm! I address how

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#197: Six Steps to Raise Your Prices Without Losing Customers

Click HERE to Reinvent Your Farm Marketing: Free Training I’ve never met a farmer who I thought their prices were too high and my advice was to lower them. Never. And that’s in 12 years of working with farmers to get profitable. So – chances are, your prices are not covering all your costs including a living wage for you

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#195: How to Stop Self-Sabotage

Click HERE to Reinvent Your Farm Marketing: Free Training This week, a farmer requested my coaching after living in anxiety for two weeks, looping on thoughts. She was beating herself up for having said ‘no’ to a request. Even though she felt good about it in the moment, later she felt guilty! >>Hear the Solution to Self-Sabotage in Episode 195<<

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#194: How and Why It’s Crucial to Pay Yourself on your Farm

Click HERE to Reinvent Your Farm Marketing: Free Training Many farms run on the free labor of women. To be fair, men aren’t immune, either. When was the last time you got a paycheck from your farm? ​>>Tune into How and Why It’s Crucial to Pay Yourself on your Farm<<​ Working for free on the farm was modeled for me

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#193: How This Farm Family Doubles Sales Every Year AND Has More Personal Free Time Than Ever Before

Click HERE for my Free Training: 3 Steps to Your Profitable Farm – LIVE January 15th. Like many farmers, Melissa Marks homeschools her 6 kids and runs their farm including attending farmers markets in the growing season. Unlike most farmers, however, Melissa’s days are very intentional, thoughtful, well-planned, and the whole family stops every Thursday at 4 PM for a volleyball

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#192: This is Your 2024 Business Marketing Plan

Click HERE for my Free Training: 3 Steps to Your Profitable Farm – LIVE January 15th. If I could help you get anything you want on your farm, what would that be? MOST people say time and money… not necessarily in that order. ​Listen Above For Your 2024 Business Marketing Plan​ What most farmers usually DON’T tell me is they need

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

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