

The Profitable
Mindset Podcast

A podcast helping farmers get the mindset they need to build a profitable farm business. 

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

“Absolutely invaluable information for any farmer that wants to make their business more profitable, presented in easy-to-follow steps to success.”


#192: This is Your 2024 Business Marketing Plan

Click HERE for my Free Training: 3 Steps to Your Profitable Farm – LIVE January 15th. If I could help you get anything you want on your farm, what would that be? MOST people say time and money… not necessarily in that order. ​Listen Above For Your 2024 Business Marketing Plan​ What most farmers usually DON’T tell me is they need

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#190: How to Create and Reach Your BIG Farm Dreams in 2024 (part 1 of 3)

Click HERE for my Free Training: 3 Steps to Your Profitable Farm – LIVE January 15th. It’s usually this time of year many of my clients start to panic and think… After they freak out a bit on a coaching call, I remind them they are armed with a plan and strategy for 2024. Part 1 of this unique marketing plan you’ve probably never heard of

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#189: How and When to Diversify Your Farm

Free Training: 4 Simple Steps to Create More Time and Profit On Your Farm If you’ve got a diversified farm and you’re overwhelmed, overstretched, overbusy – please know you’re not alone. You CAN turn things around. Truth is, you MUST turn it around or you’ll do yourself and your farm in.   (98% go out of biz by year five, losing lots

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#186: People Will Buy Your Farm Products When You Do This One Thing

Free Training: 4 Simple Steps to Create More Time and Profit On Your Farm My Signature Program: 5x Your Farm Sales If you feel awkward or bad telling people very directly to “buy our _______ (meat, milk, flowers, eggs, tours, events…) …you’re not alone.  Today’s episode of the Profitable Mindset Podcast will help you. I get requests from farmers every

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#184: Two Phrases To Help You Set Clear Customer Boundaries on Your Farm

“We just can’t keep living this way…” My client had her farm’s “open” hours clearly posted, yet people were dropping in outside of farm store hours, hoping to look around and buy something. My client was exhausted, frustrated, and falling really behind on her farm. The powerful and simple solution is in today’s Profitable Mindset Podcast Episode. She wanted to

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

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