

The Profitable
Mindset Podcast

A podcast helping farmers get the mindset they need to build a profitable farm business. 

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

“Absolutely invaluable information for any farmer that wants to make their business more profitable, presented in easy-to-follow steps to success.”


#52: How to Get More Sales with Email Marketing

If you want a profitable farm, email marketing is essential. I’ve been teaching marketing for 8 years and doing my own marketing for 11 years, and here’s what I know for sure:   No matter what other options or trends may come or go, email marketing remains a consistently successful means of building your profitable farm. And so, in episode 52,

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# 51: How to Finally Reach Your Money Goals on Your Farm

Sign Up for Farm Marketing Week – Free Marketing Coaching – HERE Throughout the summer business series on the podcast, I’ve been walking you through everything it takes to build a profitable and sustainable farm. In episodes 37 – 50, we covered everything from what happens when you first start a farm, to creating a 10-year plan, to hiring and

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# 50: Why You Need to Set HUGE Money Goals on Your Farm

Sign Up for Farm Marketing Week – Free Marketing Coaching – HERE A lot of farmers complain they can’t make money on a farm. And the truth is – most farmers DON’T make any money, or at least enough to even cover expenses. Most (98%) go out of business. But here’s what I know. It’s not that you can’t make

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# 49: How to Scale Your Farm for More Profit

Sign Up for Farm Marketing Week – Free Marketing Coaching – HERE If you’ve been in business for a little while, it’s likely that you’ve frequently heard other business owners talk about scaling their business. And while I’m all for scaling your farm, I see many people try to do this too early and it just doesn’t work. So this

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# 48: 4 Powerful Simple Steps to Create More Time

Sign Up for Farm Marketing Week – Free Marketing Coaching – HERE Do you ever wish you could better control your time to get it all done? Are you tired of feeling like you’re trying to do it all and be everything to everyone? If so you’re not alone and here’s the good news: You CAN create more time in

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# 47: How to Eliminate Overwhelm and Create More Time

Sign Up for Farm Marketing Week – Free Marketing Coaching – HERE Every single day I receive messages, emails, comments – telling me you don’t have enough time. I hear that you feel guilty for the time you take for yourself.  You feel pressure to spend your time in certain ways – AND –  you have way too much to

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# 46: 4 Skills You Need to Attract Outstanding Employees

Sign Up for Farm Marketing Week – Free Marketing Coaching – HERE If you joined me for last week’s episode of The Profitable Mindset Podcast, we talked all about attracting and hiring high-quality employees. This week, we’re talking about managing employees so that you have an outstanding team. When you listen to episode 46, you’ll learn: How to set and

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#45: How to Attract and Hire High-Quality Employees.

Sign Up for Farm Marketing Week – Free Marketing Coaching – HERE I’m so excited to share this week’s episode of The Profitable Mindset podcast with you. It’s one of the most powerful episodes I could ever offer, as we’re talking all about attracting and hiring high-quality employees. Even if you don’t think you’re ready to hire yet, I hope

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# 44: How to Avoid Debt and Have Consistent Cash Flow on Your Farm

Schedule your FREE strategy session here: https://3cowmarketing.com/strategy  When you started your farm, did you have a plan for cash flow? I didn’t, I just knew I wanted to start a farm. Now I ended up picking something that was great for cash flow. With dairy, I would milk the cows in the morning and by the end of the day, I

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# 43: How to Clearly Define Your Roles on the Farm

Sign Up for Farm Marketing Week – Free Marketing Coaching – HERE When I started my farm 11 years ago, I was a one-woman show.  This lasted for about a month. After all, I had a dairy and was milking cows twice a day, seven days a week. With three kids at home, I realized I needed help. I have

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