#220: Julia’s Farm Journey: From Resentful to Fulfilled, Well-Paid, Full-Time Mom
Time Management For Farmers: Six-Week Boot Camp – Learn More Here
A podcast helping farmers get the mindset they need to build a profitable farm business.
“Absolutely invaluable information for any farmer that wants to make their business more profitable, presented in easy-to-follow steps to success.”
Time Management For Farmers: Six-Week Boot Camp – Learn More Here
Find 10-20 Hours in Your Farm Week: Meet Me HERE to Invest in Time Management For Farmers: Six-Week Boot Camp Are you tired of just “surviving” life? It’s not just you. I meet so many overwhelmed and stressed farmers. It IS the nature of the business we signed up for. But if we don’t learn to manage for the overwhelm
Click HERE to Sign Up for my Free Live Training: 3 Crucial Pillars for a Profitable Farm When we start our farms, we often have this secret thought… “Wouldn’t it be great if we could support ourselves full-time on the farm and quit our day jobs?” And then you get further into the business and realize how expensive it is.
Click HERE for my Free Master Class: Three Crucial Pillars for a Profitable Farm Thinking is the most dangerous thing we do. We’ve discovered that hardly any of us know how to think in a way that serves us. When I was a few years into my farm, I knew that though it was profitable, there was no way I
Click HERE – let’s meet up and see if the Farm Marketing Mastery Program is For You! I’ve got the most wonderful strategy to share with you on the Profitable Mindset Podcast today. It’s what I’ve done for over 20 years of hiring and managing employees. The first time an employee told me, “You’re the best boss I’ve ever had”
Click HERE – let’s meet up and see if the Farm Marketing Mastery Program is For You! It’s August, and the overwhelm is rampant among the farmers reaching out for coaching! This week, I talked with a woman neck deep in overwhelm and exhaustion. She’s in two farmers markets, and farm work is at its peak right now! And she
Click HERE – let’s meet and identify your biggest constraint holding you back from your profitable farm! I sooo wish this info had been around 15 years ago! The first two years on my farm, I had a self-serve farm store set up in my garage. It worked to get me started selling, but if I’d known what I share
Click HERE for 3 Steps to Your Profitable Farm Erica Benoit was a self-described “hot-mess mom” before she joined my coaching program last summer. Even though they were making lots of sales on their meat and raw milk farm in Central Missouri, there was never any money left – every dime went back into the farm. She was forgetting customer
Click HERE for 3 Steps to Your Profitable Farm Today’s episode will help you be prepared for my social media training coming up this summer inside Farm Marketing Bootcamp. (Details to come in the next few weeks about that.) For instance, have you heard the term “Pay to Play” on social media? You’ll want to know what this means and
Click HERE: 3 Steps to Build Your Profitable Farm – free training Has this ever been you? Someone asks the price of your lettuce or flowers or meat – you can fill in the blank with your product. And as soon as they ask, you freeze, remembering the person last week who surprised you by asking, “Why’s it so expensive?!”
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*We do not sell or spam your email. You can unsubscribe anytime.