

The Profitable
Mindset Podcast

A podcast helping farmers get the mindset they need to build a profitable farm business. 

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

“Absolutely invaluable information for any farmer that wants to make their business more profitable, presented in easy-to-follow steps to success.”


#202: How to Clearly Define Your Employee Job Description

Click HERE to Reinvent Your Farm Marketing: Free Training When I started my farm 15 years ago, I was a one-woman show. It was me, my overalls, and a big dream. After about a month of milking cows twice a day, seven days a week, and running kids to basketball games in between, it was time to admit defeat that

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#201: My Step-by-Step Process for Drop Sites or Delivery

Click HERE to Reinvent Your Farm Marketing: Free Training Get my exact process today on the Profitable Mindset Podcast for drop sites or delivery of your products. Getting your products into the hands of the people who need them most can sometimes be a challenge – do you build a farm stand on your farm? Or do you sign up

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#198: The #1 Thing to Focus On This Year to Get Your Farm Profitable

Click HERE to Reinvent Your Farm Marketing: Free Training The biggest challenge that drives farmers out of business most often… …is that you’re NOT focusing your most valuable resources on the right thing. And big surprise – your most valuable resource is NOT money. Why not? Because you don’t have a lot of that on a farm! I address how

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#197: Six Steps to Raise Your Prices Without Losing Customers

Click HERE to Reinvent Your Farm Marketing: Free Training I’ve never met a farmer who I thought their prices were too high and my advice was to lower them. Never. And that’s in 12 years of working with farmers to get profitable. So – chances are, your prices are not covering all your costs including a living wage for you

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#195: How to Stop Self-Sabotage

Click HERE to Reinvent Your Farm Marketing: Free Training This week, a farmer requested my coaching after living in anxiety for two weeks, looping on thoughts. She was beating herself up for having said ‘no’ to a request. Even though she felt good about it in the moment, later she felt guilty! >>Hear the Solution to Self-Sabotage in Episode 195<<

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#194: How and Why It’s Crucial to Pay Yourself on your Farm

Click HERE to Reinvent Your Farm Marketing: Free Training Many farms run on the free labor of women. To be fair, men aren’t immune, either. When was the last time you got a paycheck from your farm? ​>>Tune into How and Why It’s Crucial to Pay Yourself on your Farm<<​ Working for free on the farm was modeled for me

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#193: How This Farm Family Doubles Sales Every Year AND Has More Personal Free Time Than Ever Before

Click HERE for my Free Training: 3 Steps to Your Profitable Farm – LIVE January 15th. Like many farmers, Melissa Marks homeschools her 6 kids and runs their farm including attending farmers markets in the growing season. Unlike most farmers, however, Melissa’s days are very intentional, thoughtful, well-planned, and the whole family stops every Thursday at 4 PM for a volleyball

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

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