

The Profitable
Mindset Podcast

A podcast helping farmers get the mindset they need to build a profitable farm business. 

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

“Absolutely invaluable information for any farmer that wants to make their business more profitable, presented in easy-to-follow steps to success.”


# 69: Why Growth and Ease Cannot Co-Exist in Your Farm Business

Ready to uplevel your life and business? Decide if coaching is right for you – book a free strategy session HERE. There is a misconception that building your farm should only feel challenging sometimes, but not all of the time, that at some point it should become easy. So many of my clients have this crazy desire to build their

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#68: My Secret to Getting More Customers

Ready to uplevel your life and business? Decide if coaching is right for you – book a free strategy session HERE. I hear from farmers regularly that you are struggling with sales, wondering what you could be doing to sell more of your products. What you’re doing isn’t working, you’re scrambling around doing all sorts of things people tell you

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# 67: 6 Steps to Raise Your Prices Without Losing Customers

Ready to uplevel your life and business? Decide if coaching is right for you – book a free strategy session HERE. Most farmers I know are not charging enough to generate a healthy profit and be sustainable, which causes so many problems in our businesses. And, one of the main reasons farmers give me for not increasing prices is you’re

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# 66: The First Essential Step Towards Having a Profitable Farm

If you’re reading this, I know you’re ready to have a profitable (or more profitable) farm. I would guess that you spend a fair amount of time researching and learning how to better market your business in order to reach and serve more customers. But if you’re really ready to increase your profits, there might be one essential element you’re

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#65: 5 Steps to Stop Worrying About What People Think of You

Click Here to Sign Up for the Free Training If you’re tired of worrying about what other people think about you, this week’s episode is for you! Now, this week’s podcast episode is a little different, because it’s actually a workshop. I do these workshops inside MMM (that’s my group coaching program) regularly. If you do the work within this

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#64: 3 Steps to Create the Results You Want In Your Business

Sign up for the free training here: https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/pl/260448 Have you set HUGE goals for 2021? As a coach, I want to help you reach these goals. And, I know that a lot of business owners aren’t aware of some pretty essential elements that create the new results they desire. I don’t want you to struggle with this common mistake, and

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#63: 3 Promising Ways to Overcome Perfectionism (part 2)

I have a fantastic way to break free from perfectionistic thoughts, or those pesky thoughts that what you’re doing is not quite good enough. Tune in to episode 63 and learn the 3 steps you can take to free yourself from perfectionism. Even if you don’t identify as a perfectionist, you might be surprised to discover that some of your

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#62: How Perfectionism Can Stop Your Farm’s Growth

Click HERE for Marketing & Mindset Mastery Is perfectionism holding you back? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, in working with my clients I see every day how perfectionism is having a negative impact on their lives and businesses. The good news is that perfectionism is a habit and since it’s a habit, that means you can replace it

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# 61: THIS Will Make Your Marketing WAY More Successful in 2021

Book a free strategy session to invest in coaching:  http://3cowmarketing.com/strategy How in the world does the shame of “who I am” end up in an interview on email list building? Tune in to today’s podcast episode to see exactly how I connect the two. And why it’s imperative we all learn to manage shame or any other fears and doubts

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How to Get More Customers to Your Farm

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